Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Memories come to meet me...

Well, I'm back in my parents house for a night, which is a slightly random experience. Being back in the parental household always offering slightly too many random memories of the past which seem to hang around. Interesting as ever to visit the past, but I think it's a place best avoided for most of the time, I am after all a different person to the teenage me that lived here. Which, if you were aware of me back then, you'll know is a Good Thing.

Anyway tonight the topic is living in the moment. Which comes from hearing a student talk about how we always seem to live for the next big thing in our lives, either worrying about it or looking forward to it. So much so that we fail to look around at the day we have before us, tending instead to rush through it constantly thinking about what's next. I did want to ask her if she had read my mind recently. But telapathic insights aside. It's a good point. We are made to live today. To encourage each other Today. To follow the leadings and opportunties God gives us Today. As someone once said. "This is the day that the Lord has made." After all tomorrow has enough worries of it's own, and best of all the mercies from God are new in it. We can live each day as it comes, we can live in each moment, asking God to work in it. We can break free from the living for the weekend culture of our lives.

At least I hope we can, because I'd quite like too, and because that would enable me to embrace each day as it comes, trusting in God to work through today and not just worrying or wishing away the time given to me right now. However, Today is about to come to an end and Tomorrow will soon be Today, but over the otherside of sleep lies a day fresh with new mercy and grace and a God who has been working through the night before I've even woken up. I will wake up in his world, to live in what he has prepared for me that day. For now I can sleep. Safe in the knowledge that he is at work and does not slumber or sleep. I can. And I will. See you in the morning.


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