Thursday, July 13, 2006

One day...

Lord are You still coming?
This world is all in shame
Everything is broken
But You remain

Have mercy on me, Jesus
I can't take one more step
The lights go out all around me

I want to see Your face
I want to hear Your voice
I want to lay my burden down
I want to run to You
Forever dance with You
I long for night to end
Lord let Your day begin
(Tree 63- Let your day begin)

Man, my hard heart longs for this day, when nights when I want to believe the lies won't happen. When I'll no longer be able to stray from my Fathers house. When I'll know and won't be able to unknow the love he has for me. When all this is over. The thing is: Jesus is coming back, faith is being sure of that. The battle gets harder, more boring and perseverance is the first thing to go but there is a future out there.

Watching David Walliams swim the channel tonight was awe-inspiring and made me want to get in the pool tomorrow morning and swim my wee heart out. The bit that made me cry was the point at which he was struggling and his trainer got into the water to swim with him. A simple act, and suddenly I'm undone on my sofa. Mainly because that's what it's about, we're not left to struggle on alone, we have the whole company of heaven cheering us on, the saints of old lining the way and a God who gets into the water to swim with us. We also have a body here on earth to support and urge one another on in the battle, in the long swim home.

What awaits is so much better. But what is possible in this world is also so much better. Forgiveness, grace, mercy from God and the ability to act in love to each other. Right now we ache and groan, but we also get to see the shining work of God in each others lives and in our own. The mercies are new each morning and He has good works for us to do. Time to put down the wine and start believing I think.


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