Saturday, January 07, 2006

Are you drenched?

My vaguely deep thought for the week is this. I've been mulling recently on the sheer total and utter importance of the Bible and how ridiculously easy it is to drift away from that. It's easy to write a sentence like that and murmur agreement. Yes yes the Bible is important. But really. It is of life saving importance. It is so stupidly easy to make up my own God, to make up a God I like, to make up a religion that fits with my lifestyle, to take the bits of God I like and leave the bits that confuse me, make me sad and angry and to drift from the reality placed before us in His word.

Coming back to the Bible blows my heart and soul away. Because it is no ordinary book, revealed in it, walking off the page, breathing through it, impaling my heart with it is the God of heaven and earth. The God of Heaven and Earth. The God of history. We don't read it to gain more bits of information about God, we don't read it to look clever in theological arguments, we don't read it so we can argue ourselves into doctrinal postitions, we don't read it to impress with how much we know, we don't read it for helpful thoughts, we don't read it because it is nice, we don't read it because it is a wise book amongst other books.

We read it because the God of the universe reveals himself through it, we read it to encounter our Creator, we read it to blow away our made up gods, we read it to get transformed, we read it to understand who we are, we read it to understand where we are going, we read it because LIFE itself is in the pages. We read it because God wants to communicate to us. Go figure why or how or anything else. But the God of the whole world wants to commuicate with us, wants us to serve without fear, wants us to walk in His ways. We are to swim in it, embrace the pages, walk through the corridors of God's dealings with his people, drench ourselves in life giving truth and let the Spirit weave the truth into our lives, actions and thoughts.

Now, I have Saturday things to do. But it's kind of weird isn't it. Do any other books have this effect on your heart? Are you drenched today?


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