Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Geek Blogging

Ok, ok, so I promised myself I'd not do this, but here goes. We're live at the Portsmouth Mission. There you go. Anyway, before you hit the snooze button, I'm really talking about being back in the land of the student house. It's an strange place to be back in, but this one is considerably tidier than I remember. Important things to note though are the large amounts of fairy lights, the ability to msn each other from every room in the house (things have changed since I was young...), birthday celebration posters from two months ago, random chipped mugs, bottles of wine from Christmas and the sad old brown furniture.

Things are different in studentville from when I was around though (old granny hat on). There are no more posters instructing me to CHOOSE LIFE, pictures of Pulp, Radiohead, the Telly Tubbies or Mr Men. It's kind of sad. But awaiting me tonight there is a saggy brown sofa to sink into, and presumably a mouldy bathroom to have a morning shower in. Ah, some things don't change. I like being a student worker, it means that I get to go back in time every now and again. Oh and the mission is going well too. Loads of people at Jazz and Curry tonight. I'm not hardcore and am returning to my own bed, house and saggy brown sofa tomorrow but it's been grand to take a trip back into the student world.

To continue the student theme- presumably this isn't true.


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